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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mean People Suck

Here's a surprise for all you people not reading my blog. I am not a perfect person. I can tell you are shocked.

I make mistakes like everyone else. As you know, I am a teacher...I teach at a small Lutheran school in Chicago. Like many Lutheran teachers, I wear many hats and do what I can to make my school the best it can be. But I am not without my own mistakes. And when confronted with a mistake, I am the first to admit to it and own up to it and apologize to parties involved and do what I can to make it better or change for the next time.

I recently came under attack by one of the parents at the school. According to her, I have it in for her daughter. And she was not nice about it at all. Unfortunately for me, I am a wuss. I do not deal well with people like this. Ultimately, I ended up in tears against this woman's false accusations against me. And not just little tears, but great, sobbing waterworks. And, to set the record straight, I do not have it in for her daughter. Now, this person really doesn't know me very well at all and is only going on what she has observed me. And with that, I try to stay calm, but I really don't know how to deal with it. Luckily, I guess, graduation is around the corner and her and her daughter will be gone from our school and I won't have to face her again. Although, I wonder how the gossip will get around our little school about the kindergarten teacher brought to tears from a parent?

How do you do it? How do you face people like that? Can you? or do you just move on and let it go?


MargieAnne said...

I'm glad you're human.

Some people are mean and it doesn't hurt for them to see it so long as they don't use it to bully you. That's where support from other staff is important.

I have no idea how to deal with bullies and false accusation. I usually respond with huge anger and that doesn't help either. I even slammed the phone down on a headmaster once who was being obnoxious about one of our children who had diagnosed dyslexia.

Sunny Days said...

I too recently had the same kind of thing happen to me with a lady at church who's daughter is my daughter's friend. First she attacked me with accusations of being controlling and then she said I said horrendously retched things about her daughter. None of it was true of course and she talked to others in the church to make it even worse for me. I really just had to give it to God. I did confront her, (with God's strength, not my own, in tears the whole time) and tried to stand up for myself on a couple of the issues. I still see her and it is hard but I just pray for her. The enemy uses people against us when we least expect it. Remember we don't fight against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness. God gives us the power to do this. Lean on him! For if my God is with me whom than shall I fear!