November 20, 2008

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

The love of my life: my nephew, Alan Patrick. He is one of the main reasons I keep moving my butt...I don't want him to understand how big I am.

Monday, October 27, 2008

What a week

I now know what the words "information overload" mean. I'm still sittin on it, and it's been 3 days since the end of the conference. I was there from Wednesday afternoon until Friday afternoon...a very intense, fact filled week which included sitting in a chair for about 17 hours over the 3 days. (But I did manage to get a mile walked on the treadmill at the hotel Thurs and Fri. mornings!) Not only was it a lot of information, but I believe it was a lot of things that could save my school, so my brain is rattling around the information over and over again. It's been hard to concentrate on other things, including getting back to my lesson plans (I was saved from that today because school was closed)

As far as eating goes, I did what I planned on doing. I didn't eat like a person trying to lose weight, but I didn't overindulge by letting my emotions guide me. I really don't feel like getting back into the game, esp considering I did a preliminary check on the scale this evening, and almost, no, scratch that, all of my work since September has been ruined and gained back. I really want to use these things as an excuse (like I did in the past) to spend at least a month or so just sliding and eating and eating and sliding. But that's not what I really want and that's not what I'm going to do. I'm going back to the beginning and concentrate on 4 things: drink lots of water, get on my Gazelle at least 20 min every other day, watch my portions, and journal everything.

Homework for tonight before going to sleep: stretch and visualize myself hiking up a mountain (something I want to get in shape to do - literally and figuratively)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lesson learned

No matter what else is going on in my life, there is no reason for me to be acting like this. I do not need to treat food or my body like this. The last several days have been crazy stressful as I prepare for this conference and substitute. And I have been stuffing my face so fast - my stomach doesn't know what hit it. Any and every opportunity to grab some food has been taken. Doughnuts, chips, hot dogs, ice cream, nachos, beef sandwiches, meatballs, cracker sandwiches, pop tarts, Arby's, Papa John's...the list goes on. I totally and completely buckled under the pressures and stress at my job and I'm done with it. At least, starting to make more positive changes and choices to get back where I was mentally and emotionally. It's scary how easily I slipped back and spiraled out of control. I felt like screaming for help, like I was drowning and needed a life preserver to save me. I guess I had forgotten that I already know how to swim. After a couple of deep breaths (thank you!), I think I am starting back to where I want to be and swim toward my goal again. I am going to be gone the next couple of days and the weekend...I am not going to stress about what I am eating, but no overeating and binging. With everything going on - my goal is to really get back to the Gazelle and doing what I need to do to keep going. The good news is that the hotel has a fitness center. If nothing else, a mile or so on the treadmill will start the day off well :)

Monday, October 20, 2008


It's 10:30 in the morning...and I've already consumed about 32 oz of water and about 1500 calories (maybe more) I can't seem to get a grip on myself and the issues and the stress facing me in the next week and something's gotta go and so it was the food...I need it back..I cannot continue like this.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

NSV Thursday

With the weekend coming up (and we know we slack off during the weekend), I thought now would be a good chance to start a tradition and count our non scale victories for the week. I've been trying to start this post all day, but it seems I am being pulled in too many directions mentally and it's just one of those kind of days. yesterday eating sucked a**, and today didn't start off the greatest, but not horrible. I need something positive to push me over this hump, so here are some of my victories this week:

~~~I started working out on my new gazelle this weekend! It arrived on Friday afternoon and after several hours of working on it, I got it set up. I tested it out a couple times (no shoes) just to get the feel for it. It says it accepts my weight, but it's a little snug on the width! When I put shoes on for the first real "workout", my feet did indeed hurt! I figured I must have been doing something wrong and I could only do the beginners - 10 minute workout. The next time was the same, but on Tuesday when I did it, must have been doing something different because no feet hurting and I did the 20 minute intermediate workout! I knew it was perfect because the last 2 min were a struggle, but I did it!

~~~The weekend went much smoother than normal! I put my plan into action that I use during the week and it worked! I said no a couple of times I wanted to say yes and it was great!

~~~The 2 mile walking seems to be more regular now. I was alternating with a 1 mile stretch, but the last couple of times has been strictly 2 miles.

~~~I have more energy!!! Woohoo! It's not a big difference yet, but I can tell that I can't just sit on the couch anymore like I used to, not only do I want to get up and do something, it's like I almost half to! It's a great feeling! One of the problems I have had with buying this house is keeping up with the upkeep! I can get by on the inside and keeping it sort of clean, but having major problems getting the energy to get outside and work out there. I am encouraged that by keeping this up, when winter and snow comes and then spring...I'll be better at getting outside to work and having the energy to make it look fabulous!

~~~Every day during the week I have been able to get all my water in!! Just gotta work on those darn weekends!

What are your NSV's for this week??

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Time seems to be in short supply these days, not much time for blogging. But I wanted to show off my babies...the big one is Ashes and the little one is Peanut. I don't know what I'd do without them! I got the little one earlier this summer and has been great for Ashes as a playmate and in general - an annoying little sister ;) I realize I am soon on my way to being a "crazy cat lady" but I don't care! I love my little ones to bits! Have a great day!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still here

Not that I get all that many visitors and comments, but it's still a great outlet and I love surfing around to see what's going on with other people.

Things have been going pretty good here! The weekend held some expected yet unexpected situations (and I suck at those!), and so overeating ensued. Monday morning, I wrote down a plan for the next time I am faced with a buffet of delicious appetizers and drinks at a friend's house (or anywhere else for that matter). One of my never ending excuses for overeating is: free food equals free for all for me. Wrong-o! Not gonna do it anymore (or at least work harder at it). Monday morning I was back in business, back to routine, back to the eating plan. Tuesday night I was faced with going out to eat with some friends. Normally, this is also an excuse to eat what I want and just say WTF with the whole thing. Thanks to a conversation before hand and a determined didn't happen! I enjoyed 1 beer (it was at a brewery, I had to try it!),ignored the appetizer my friend ordered and I ordered some of the most delicious mac and cheese with chicken I have ever had! it came with a salad (no dressing), I ate enough to make me satisfied (maybe one bite more!) and set it aside...took the rest home and got two more meals out of it. What a NSV that was!!!

For another NSV this week, I also upped my walking twice this week to 2 miles instead of just one!

I stepped on the scale prematurely (friday is weigh in day) and it read the same as last week. I'm good with that. My NSV's include better habits forming and walking the walk and not just talking the talk and it feels pretty flipping good! The rest will start to happen as well. I did order the Gazelle and I hope that it will be here soon since it's getting chilly out and dark too early now.

I hope everyone has a great week and weekend :) Keep up the great progress!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Another week finished

Oh, the scale took off some more weight this week :)

273.0 Total since beg of September: 8 lbs.

I am totally happy with those numbers! I haven't been this consistent in a long time!

The end of this week has started straining on me a little, but I made some decisions that I didn't think I would ever be able to make! Between feeling sorry for myself, getting off schedule, off routine and thinking I needed BK for breakfast (oh and the pants that were too snug), I had many reasons to throw the towel in again. I must have realized that it wasn't worth it because I didn't do it! I decided to change my routine, I didn't go to BK and rejuvenated my plans to find a way to get moving more often. My mantra today is "It's a free day, not a binge day!" so that I can relax a little, but not go overboard if I am feeling a little emotional and feel like going overboard for some reason. I find that more and more when presented with opportunities that in the past I would have jumped at the chance to do (like BK or eating seconds) I don't take them as often as I did. I really have changed enough on the inside so that I can change what is on the outside.

I've also realized some of the things that really motivate me, not just what I think will motivate me. I enjoy watching TV so if I do get a workout machine, it's going right in front of the TV so that when I feel the need to watch, I will be walking (or something) at the same time. My new nephew is also a strong motivator. I don't want him to know how big his auntie T is and when he's big enough, I want to be able to keep up with him. Others include cute clothes, health (no more bad knee), and the hot guy I have a crush on. logically I know that if I lose weight that doesn't mean he's going to notice me any more or less than he does now, but I know it'll open doors to others who will take notice the right way rather than the wrong way.

What motivates you? what keeps you going day after day after day?