November 20, 2008

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Monday, October 20, 2008


It's 10:30 in the morning...and I've already consumed about 32 oz of water and about 1500 calories (maybe more) I can't seem to get a grip on myself and the issues and the stress facing me in the next week and something's gotta go and so it was the food...I need it back..I cannot continue like this.


Monica Shaw said...

Stay calm! I have only just started reading your blog and don't know you very well, but your most recent posts have been very positive! My advice is to BREATH, and have a read over some of the stuff you've written these past few weeks. It may help reassure you.

Allison said...

Sorry to hear you're having a rough week. You're doing so well with your working out, don't be like me and sabotage yourself on the eating! Just take it one day at a time.
As stupid as it sounds, I've found that when my cravings are going crazy and I'm stressed and want to eat, it helps to constantly remind myself to "Only eat when hungry." I've even wrote it at the top of my food diary page a few times.
I hope you can pull through. :)

Simplymoi said...

I think I'm starting to calm down and stop using food as the outlet for my frustration and stress...breathing and taking one step at a time to get back to where I was when there was no stress. Just goes to show I still have a lot to learn on this journey.