November 20, 2008

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Another week finished

Oh, the scale took off some more weight this week :)

273.0 Total since beg of September: 8 lbs.

I am totally happy with those numbers! I haven't been this consistent in a long time!

The end of this week has started straining on me a little, but I made some decisions that I didn't think I would ever be able to make! Between feeling sorry for myself, getting off schedule, off routine and thinking I needed BK for breakfast (oh and the pants that were too snug), I had many reasons to throw the towel in again. I must have realized that it wasn't worth it because I didn't do it! I decided to change my routine, I didn't go to BK and rejuvenated my plans to find a way to get moving more often. My mantra today is "It's a free day, not a binge day!" so that I can relax a little, but not go overboard if I am feeling a little emotional and feel like going overboard for some reason. I find that more and more when presented with opportunities that in the past I would have jumped at the chance to do (like BK or eating seconds) I don't take them as often as I did. I really have changed enough on the inside so that I can change what is on the outside.

I've also realized some of the things that really motivate me, not just what I think will motivate me. I enjoy watching TV so if I do get a workout machine, it's going right in front of the TV so that when I feel the need to watch, I will be walking (or something) at the same time. My new nephew is also a strong motivator. I don't want him to know how big his auntie T is and when he's big enough, I want to be able to keep up with him. Others include cute clothes, health (no more bad knee), and the hot guy I have a crush on. logically I know that if I lose weight that doesn't mean he's going to notice me any more or less than he does now, but I know it'll open doors to others who will take notice the right way rather than the wrong way.

What motivates you? what keeps you going day after day after day?


Amy AS said...

Hello. I am a university professor who is conducting research on WEIGHT LOSS BLOGGERS AND THE ROLE BLOGGING HAS PLAYED IN THE BLOGGER’S WEIGHT LOSS.

As you may be aware, a lot of research has been done over the years on weight loss but very little has been done on blogging and weight loss. I hope you will help me remedy this.

I have chosen you as a potential research participant because you have a weight loss blog, have a weight loss goal of 100 pounds or more, and have been blogging for at least three months.

If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a survey that I will email you. Your answers will be completely confidential and I will use a pseudonym of your choice in the final study.

I have an information sheet about the study I would be happy to share with you. Please email me at if you would like to take a look at it.

Thank you for your time and best of luck to you on your weight loss journey.

Amy Aldridge Sanford, PhD
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Northeastern State University
Tahlequah, OK

Allison said...

My motivation is to be able to have a baby with my husband, to be able to shop in the misses section of any store, to be able to walk into any thrift store and find something that fits, to be able to go SCUBA diving and/or snorkeling, to be able to go swimming without needing a cover-up...
Those are just a few of my motivators.