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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Less than a day??

Yesterday was long. Arrived at school around 7 and didn't leave until about 12 hours later. Started my new blog here, realized my students are not as far behind as I feared, and did some prep for a meeting I have tonight.

I'm kinda worried about this meeting. We (my church) needs to try and secure a second mortgage on our property. We def don't want to do this, but if we want the school to stay open, it needs to be done. We are basically out of money. My job, as treasurer, is to get stuff in order to show the guy coming for this meeting. I have never done this before and worried that it's not going to be good enough. but if I don't have everything needed, it's not the end of the world right? (just need to keep telling myself this)

Well, by the end of the day, I was ready for a drink. So, I thought I'd call on my friend to go for a drink before heading home. He was recovering from a bad weekend so that was a no go. (He so kindly told me he was gonna order a pizza with his dad...a better offer..his words, not mine). OK, no problem. I crawled into a Burger King bag and ate my way out. Ok, it could have been much worse (and has been in the past).

I figured that when I got home I would find my bag of doritos or something, but I didn't. I turned on the CUBS game and quietly curled up with a book for the rest of the evening.

Why do I always want to add insult to injury? I already feel tired and crappy - why go for BK when I can't afford or calories. What's the point?

So, this morning...all rested from a good night's sleep, get to school and the jitters are back. Once again, trying to soothe them with food. When will I get it through my head? Well, just because the day started off bad, doesn't mean I need to let the day get worse and worse. The plan of attack is to behave normally and keep very busy (not too hard, I have a ton of stuff to do). Keeps my mind away from grabbing a snack and stuff gets accomplished. We'll see how it goes.