November 20, 2008

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Just another Manic Monday

ok, well, it's really Tuesday, but the effect is still the same...the start of another week!

I gotta tell ya, I had a great weekend! It was mostly spent at home, but I did go out to a friend's house on Saturday to watch the Cubs game, had dinner there and then went to see Martina McBride!! I have always wanted to see her in concert and she was as great as I had hoped! Her voice is just incredible! I don't know how she doesn't lose her voice all the time, she sings with such power and passion! The rest of the weekend, however was spent doing things around the house. I love going out and seeing my friends, but I've found I equally love staying in and working around my house (still can't get used to that yet!)

I've gotten back to some of my walking again, which is good! Allison had a great idea of walking before work, so of course this morning when I went to hit snooze, I turned it off instead, woke up too late and left no time for walking. But tomorrow, it's on!

I have a great meal plan for today, and a very long day here at school, but I am prepared with food from home and will not stray to the various fast food joints around here. As long as I make a plan, it's easier for me to stay focused and on track.


Alli said...

Its so hard to get into that morning work out routine. Just force yourself one morning just to prove to yourself you can do it and it gets much easier from there!