November 20, 2008

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Floating again

No more falling! And it feels great!

Wednesday i was working through the 4th package of PB sandwich crackers, I had an image of what I was doing to myself...the fat packing on, the numbers going up...280 again...290...300. Woah. I've thought that number before..but it did it. I put the rest of the package down (it's still sitting on my desk) and I haven't gone back. That night I finally got to the store, got my supplies and food, and yesterday planned it out and followed it beautifully despite a stressful meeting that was facing me that night. today I have started again even though more PB crackers face me...I haven't touched them. I have also kept up all the walking this week. Only one mile per morning, but it feels good and it's something. The scale this morning said 4 lbs lighter! I'm very happy about all of this! But mostly I am happy about feeling in better control.

My students never fail to amaze me in their powers of deduction. The following conversation occurred the other morning with one of my 4 year olds while we were sitting in church waiting for chapel to start:

K: Can I look at the book (hymnal)?

Me: No, not yet, we need to wait for chapel to start.

K: you mean when God comes?

Me: Well, God is already here, He's everywhere.

K: Then who's the guy who goes up front?

I just laughed and explained that he was the pastor of the church, not God. :)


Allison said...

Great job on the 4-pound loss! That's wonderful you're keeping up with the morning walking. :)