November 20, 2008

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

Yeah...I'm talking about men.

I don't have much of an active dating life, life just seems too busy right now to deal with that and trying to change my lifestyle at the same work and church and's just a lot to do. I guess I'm living without 'em for now, but I would like to find one I could eventually end up living with. the ones I have in my life right now just aren't working.

First there's C...we became friends and see each other once in a while...he's not really all that strong in faith, so I know that the future doesn't hold anything for us as far as serious, but we have a good time together and that's important too. I'm just wondering if there's something more.

Then there's R...very cute, laid back, hard worker, laid back, fun to be with...oh and did I mention laid back? He thinks nothing of being a little late when we say we are going to meet around 2:30 and i call at 2:40 curious to know where he is and he's just getting out of the shower, oblivious to the time. Or going for weeks without talking or going out and then calls up and says "lets hang out". I don't really think that's for me either. I'm not really laid back, so I wouldn't mind having a partner who is...but I think this is a little much.

Now we get to J...good looking, funny, smart, a little ADD but a hard worker, caring, same strong faith as myself, laid back, but not too much. I have a terrible crush on this but I don't think he really sees me as anything more than an acquaintance/friend. Oh, and his ex looks like a barbie doll and is a lot more outgoing than I am...I guess my extra weight and shyness really aren't interesting to him. We're friendly, but that's about it. Maybe we would be good together or not, but I still have a big crush on him. He has the goofiest grin that makes my tummy quiver each time I see him smile.

Now enter K...someone I met through a on the phone once in a while or text...tried a couple times to meet up for a movie or something, but couldn't happen. Out of the blue he asks me out for friday, I say ok cuz he's still a nice guy and I like talking to him, and he says there's something he wants to talk about with me. I ask what, and he says he's been thinking about it and would I want to be his girl? Now, if we talked more often than once or twice a month I wouldn't be so surprised or taken aback. I told him we'll meet on Friday and I'll discuss with him my feelings on the subject then, not through texting.

I guess I don't really have a point to this. Maybe I'm meant to find and be happy with myself before I find a member of the opposite sex to share my life with and be happy and make him happy.