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Friday, August 29, 2008

Finally Friday

My prediction came true this week. I knew that once I was back in school and dealing with the long drive and my angels, that things would change and they have. During school, I've been staying on plan. It's when I get home, things fall apart a little bit, with eating and keeping up with my chores. I've been trying all week to get my laundry done and my kitchen cleaned and every evening, I end up watching TV and feeling too tired to want to do anything. I eat a big snack and then a big dinner, feel horrible because I'm not getting the things done that I want to and eating too much stuff and just being tired. Then I'm just tired and feeling sorry for myself and upset and so nothing gets done and I go to bed. Bah. I don't want to spend the school year acting like this! I can't spend my evenings being like this. It's getting away from who I am and who I'm trying to be. (and it's making the number on the scale reach ever higher and higher!)

I guess my first problem is how to get over not being so tired when I get home after a long drive (usually about an hour). I feel too tired to do my walk, to do some light housework, to make a real meal (at least I am convincing myself of this). So far all I've come up with is to maybe do my walk here at school before I get in the car to drive home. Or just trying to force myself to do some things anyway, it'll make me feel better.

I realize this is mostly rambling and brainstorming to figure out how to get over myself and do a few things that need to be done. but if anyone has a suggestion or two...thanks!


Allison said...

I do my walk every morning I can before work. That way, if I feel up to it after work, I can go to Curves to work out. But if I just don't feel like it, I can skip it but know I've already done something active that day.
About the only thing I can suggest is to turn off the TV. If you turn on the stereo instead, and have nothing to look at, you might be more likely to do something active, like housework or work out. Just a thought. Good luck!