November 20, 2008

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Monday, August 11, 2008

where does the time go?

It's been a crazy busy couple of weeks! Last weekend I was in Nebraska for a family reunion and it was great! I got to see cousins that I haven't seen for several years, it was really nice! And I was very happy with how I handled the fast food decisions that needed to be made!!

This past weekend was my birthday weekend! I had a blast! It has to be one the best birthdays I have ever had!! Thursday it started by going up in a plane and actually flying it for about 30 minutes!!! It was incredible!! I thought I would have problems because of my size, and it was snug, but everything worked out and a once in a life time experience!! Friday, it was party time at my house!! Had about 30 ppl over and we had a great time! Saturday night, 3 friends and I went out to a bar to see some dueling pianos! I've never been before and it was a blast! Yesterday was very quiet, rested and relaxed and had dinner with my mom and sister (and nephew!).

Today, I am rested and rejuvenated and feeling great being 30! I finally got back to my walking, and have been cleaning and working around the house so far today. This week is going to be busy again. Today I want to work around my house. Tomorrow I am getting my hair chopped off and donating it to Locks of Love. I also have to get my Indiana Drivers liscence in which I have to take the written test! Wednesday I am babysitting for my nephew, Thursday is meeting at school and doing payroll and working there, Friday I am babysitting again for my nephew. Saturday I will probably be able to do some more work around the house. I got paint on Saturday to paint my kitchen and bathroom.

My goal this week is back to walking and doing strength every other day. I never accomplished that goal a couple weeks ago, so there it is. Time to start thinking about school and keeping things up with my house. Busy times ahead, but I want to keep my eyes toward the prize - health and happiness.