November 20, 2008

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week one

I did it! One week of walking! Ok, so it's not a big deal, I've done it fact I've done a couple weeks. But, it's a step forward. Now, I just have to go and find what movie I want to go see tomorrow :)

My goal for the next week will be the same as last week. I wasn't able to do the strength video because, well, I hadn't actually found it yet (I moved a couple months ago). I finally found it at my mom's house. It was a blessing in disguise, I think because I don't think I was actually up to pushing myself that far yet. But this week, I will be. It's going to be tougher because I will be out of town from Thursday to Sunday, but I am determined to get to the movies again.

To be clear: Walking every day. Strength tape every other day. Make only those decisions that make me happy and ready to get through the day. :)


Alli said...

Woo hooo!!! Great job!! Just think i fyou can repeat this for another two weeks you will have a habit girlfriend.

Twix said...

Way to go on the walking! Awesome!!! :D

Lynn said...

Good for you! I wish I could get out there that often. That's awesome.