November 20, 2008

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Ok, so the scale stayed the same....275.5.

That's good. I didn't gain. The past couple of weeks, that has been my goal. Get my emotional eating more under control and stop eating to feed my emotions. Now, I'm ready to start going down. I gave myself a goal of one week to complete some goals I set for myself (see previous post). Yesterday I did my walking, so today I'm going to walk again and then do my strength tape. I don't walk very far yet, only 1 mile. But I know that as I get stronger again, I will be able to go further and faster. My eating yesterday was also more controlled. I'm following Jenny Craig guidelines for "Meals on your own" so that I have parameters to follow. I'm also writing it all down.

I hope everyone has a great week and is enjoying their summer! I may write more later, but I'm off for my walk before it gets too warm out!


Felicia said...

Sounds like you are off to an awesome start!! You can do it!!! Enjoy your walk!

Hope you have a WONDERFUL day!