November 20, 2008

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

HYC check in

Well, my goal this past week has been dealing with my emotions and emotional eating. I have finally started to lift out of the doldrums and be more steady. I have spent this week concentrating on not eating emotionally, and I haven't done that!! Now, I haven't really eaten to lose weight, but that's ok, it wasn't my goal. I did not step on a scale this week. I may do it next week, I may not. I am going to spend this week again with my emotions and keeping them separated from eating. This morning was the only morning I really did that (overate due to emotions). I got in contact with a friend and am confident that it won't spill over into the other meals of the day. This next week will also have to focus on the holiday (always a "free for all" eating session). This afternoon I am also going to be in contact with some area fitness centers (Curves, YMCA) do some comparison shopping and see what I come up with. I really want to get back to walking again. I think then I will start looking at the scale again and start eating to lose weight instead of just not overeating. One step at a time.

I've been doing some unpacking and have found some old notebooks of mine and found countless times I wrote about "how bad I ate today" or "today wasn't a good day" Oh my goodness. Have I really spent so much time worrying and fretting over my weight? There are so many other things in this world to be concerned about and all I can do is think about my eating. (ok, not all I do, but you know what I mean). I mean, really, how on earth did I really end up being this big? My mom was skinny when she was little and never really lost (and put on few more) her baby weight after the 3 of us were she was always a little on the big side, but not like me. My brother and sister are a nice, average, healthy weight. How did I end up with an extra 125+ lbs on my 5'4" frame? I feel like such an outcast that most times I just want to be invisible (ok, that's also the shyness talking)...but maybe they go hand in hand? I don't know. I am approaching the big 3-0. I really don't want to spend my thirties as grumpy and dumpy as my twenties. Its time for more change and be done with the old me. Why do I convince myself that I will fail? Get past that, and you will finally see a lean, mean, fighting machine...nothing will be able to stop me then.


CindyPTN said...

Way to focus on one small step at a time. This truly is a change in your life and the journey is going to be filled with many steps. The mental aspect of a healthy lifestyle is as important as the exercise and eating habits.

We're here to help keep a positive spin when you get down! It's okay. We're women. We get emotional. But it's great to have the support system.

You can do this. How are those walks coming? They're great for mulling over thoughts and clearing our head.

The Fat Foreigner said...

Even if you haven't stepped on the scale, I think if you focus on not eating your emotions then the scale should take care of itself.

Melzie said...

You know, it's hard to focus on positive when you "see" negative. But you can do it, you just need to tell yourself everytime you look in a mirror.

"I am beautiful, I am smart, and I am worth it."

Say it, a lot, and soon you will believe it.

Focus on small things, just like you are doing- you'll get there! I know it!

Mel via HYC

Simplymoi said...

I've really been thinking and contemplating the whole "sub conscious"/mental part of losing weight lately. I know what to do, so what is holding me back from doing it? Thanks for the positive comments everyone and the support! It helps a lot.

melzie you are absolutely right...all i see is the negative but I don't really know how that happened. I am going to try some positive self talk to get rid of this negative that has somehow been ingrained in me.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

One step at a time. Making healthy changes is so worth it.
Path to Health