November 20, 2008

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 cheers for Tracy!

Ok...well maybe just one is deserved...but I finally stopped bitchin and worrying long enough to finally get my big butt outside and go for a walk! It was slow and only went about a mile...but it felt good!! Even though I tell myself this, I couldn't get my ass out there! Today I finally did! Hello?? anyone home?? Bah!

I finally got the internet at home. It will stretch my budget, but I think it'll be good for me. I really miss perusing the blogs and sparkpeople in the morning before school starts and I never realized how good it was for me. I was watching a rerun on Oprah the other morning about food and kids and weight loss and stuff and somehow I realized the enormity of the task I have ahead of myself. Not about losing weight, I know how to do that, but of reversing all those negative images that are implanted in my brain. Holy cow! It's not just about reversing years of bad habits and emotional issues...but man, think about how long I and others have been bombarded with this stuff?!? No wonder we keep spiraling down instead of climbing to the top and staying t here with everyone else. well, I don't know if it was the final key...but it definitely opened a window and part of my morning routine is definitely going to be visiting blogs. I don't comment much, but I read and it helps so much. Maybe some daily self talk will be good as well.

well, time to go find some breakfast. I am getting the walking in, the water is I need to work on portions and better food step at a time :)