November 20, 2008

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Keep your eye on the prize - part 2

In the aftermath of the stress-filled week I had a couple weeks ago, I went into a tired, self pity mode. Feeling bad about the choices I had made. Thinking about J, the guy I have a huge crush on and making myself feel worse by believing that there are so few guys like him left and they will be all snatched up because they would never look at me twice because of how I look...etc, get the idea. The more I thought about him, the more my focus was pulled away from all the good things I am working on and the worse I felt.

This weekend I have spent a lot of time praying and pulling my focus back on the lifestyle changes I am making. The result is that I am feeling much better and making better choices. MizFit had a great message today about taglines I got to thinking about what mine would be and how I'm living my life now and thought that I would be spending most of the day pondering it, but I think I've already found it: Keep Your Eye On The Prize. As long as I stay focused on what I want, filter out the other bad stuff, I can keep moving forward and do anything! It covers what I want for my physical activity, my spiritual life, everything. I may even change the title and tagline on my blog to reflect my new focus.


carla said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

and honored to be a part of your morning.

Diana Swallow said...

Excellent tagline! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Great tagline!!!! Hope you have a great wk.

Sandy (HYC)