November 20, 2008

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Friday, November 21, 2008

In the classroom

I do love teaching PreK and K...they come up with the funnies things sometimes.

We were in the basement today in the computer lab and one of my 4 year olds (a little pixie of a girl) needed to use the bathroom down there. So, I walked her over to the bathroom and waited for her (we have one in our class that she's used to using).

After several moments in which i can hear her in the stall:
E: I must be constipated, because I can't go to the bathroom right now (the only 4 year old I know who knows the word constipated)

she hops off the toilet and I hear as she's getting her clothes settled:
E: I really have to pay attention to all these clothes my mom put on me today

Me: so you can stay warm today?

E: yeah

And one of my Kindergartners told me the other day while we were talking about juice "I don't like juice much, I just can't get excited about it."

Have a great weekend!


Crabby McSlacker said...

Too cute!

And I just can't get excited about juice either, but how cute to hear it from such a little one. They all sound pretty adorable.