November 20, 2008

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Week one is not over yet...still training

OK, because of the rain last night, I did not go out and walk. With everything else going on this week, it's hard to find the time as well, but I did get one mile on my gazelle. I know it's not the same as actual walking, but it felt good anyway. Today is supposed to be cross training, so I'm going to move furniture around in preparation of my friend moving in with me. Some friends and family are coming over to help me with the heavy stuff and I'm getting them pizza for their efforts and time. This weekend the training consists of walking 3 miles both Saturday and Sunday. It's going to be a bit chilly, but no precipitation forcasted, so I will bundle up and hit the walking trail both days to get my time in.

I'm still trying to get in touch with the guy who railroaded me Monday night. Every night I try and call him and I freak out! I get so upset, I want no contact with him at all, but there's no getting around it, I have to do it. I will take care of it this weekend, one way or the other and stop being so silly about it.