November 20, 2008

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Looking up again

I keep meaning to write more often, but it seems as though life just keeps getting busier and busier. Last weekend I spent an amazing weekend in Arizona visiting my family and having a great time enjoying the weather. I love going out there to visit...surrounded by people I love and people who love me...and a nice warm sun in March :)

Things are doing better on the emotional side as well. It's the same old familiar cycle of doing good, then for some reason sinking down and eventually coming back up again. It's kinda scary on those times I sink down and I just get so tired of struggling all the time just to maintain and not gain, not to mention trying to actually lose the weight. I've been focusing on the problems I have at school and things I need to do and instead of continuing to moan about them, I'm concentrating on doing it better. It's such a load though, I could really use someone to help me out on a regular basis and take some of the responsibility of being treasurer. It's a volunteer position and is at least a part time job...unfortunately it's one that doesn't pay. I have some other responsibilities in addition to just wanting to spend some time with my family once in a while and relax so I don't burn myself out. Ahh...the joys of being an adult I guess.

My focus this month is to get away from the fast food as much as possible and once in a while have a planned indulgence instead of constant junk food. My exercise is up as I really, really want to be in training for the 3 day walk for breast cancer. We are planning some events coming up to have some fun and raise money for the walk. My hope is that if everyone I come into contact with, who sees my message will donate at least $5, my goal should be reached in no time at all! But it can't be done without the help of many, many people! I know that we can make a difference!


InWeighOverMyHead said...

How have you been doing over the past few months?

- Lisa