November 20, 2008

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

We celebrated Christmas here at my house for the first time last night and it was wonderful. It was our first Christmas with out dad, so I think that's why mom suggested having it here at my house (that, and I know she doesn't want to deal with the mess afterward!) On Christmas Eve we get together to open gifts and have an appetizer smorgasbord. As anyone knows, appetizers are one of my biggest downfalls and we had some gooood stuff last night! Although, we did decide not to go with any chips and dips this year, we had other stuff in it's place! Since it was Christmas, I didn't want any bad moods to disturb my good cheer and lay off myself and enjoyed it thoroughly. I ate whatever I wanted and I'm so happy to say that my "eat whatever I want" is of much more normal proportions these days! The last week or so, I've still been hovering around the 15lb loss mark, which is ok by me. Now that my knee is on the better side of things, it's time to get back to my gazelle again. I have 2 wonderful weeks off to enjoy myself, "walk" and fix up my office/guest bedroom. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.


Crabby McSlacker said...

Sounds like a great Christmas Eve!

And I love the way you let yourself enjoy the holiday.

Good luck getting back on the gazelle!