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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


They say it's good for the soul, right?

After I got home from school yesterday afternoon, I had...well, the only word I can think of is fiasco. I won't go into details, but pop tarts and a half bag of doritos was involved, so you get the picture. I haven't eaten like that in a while...even now it's making me feel nervous just writing about it. I've kinda gotten away from blogging because, like everything else, I was comparing my blog to others that were written better, etc and seeing myself fall short of everyone else. There's no reason I should compare myself to others nor let myself feel less than they are because I can't write as engaging as they can. I do my thing and that's that.

I decided that, at least for a while, I am going to make this a food diary of sorts to make myself accountable for what I'm eating and the work I'm doing. I have no one to be accountable to but myself and showing it off to the world (who choose to look) will help me be more honest and careful about what I put into my mouth. (on a side note, I did a search one time for "No holes barred" and I was actually like 5th on the list! crazy!)

In addition, having gotten away from moving around and getting any form of exercise, for the month of January, my goal is 300 min of exercise. Namely, walking on my gazelle. that averages to about 10 minutes per day. Seriously, who doesn't have 10 minutes a day? To bring us up to date, I have done exactly 20 minutes so far, so i have some catching up to do.

So, to start my food are my transgressions from yesterday:

Breakfast: smoothie with 1 c skim milk and protein powder

Snack: 2 pop tarts

Lunch: PB and J Sandwich, aprox 10 crackers with cheese and salami, small salad, doritos, milk

Snack: granola bar

Snack: 2 pop tarts, a lot of doritos

Dinner: 7 sweedish meatballs, 1/4 c corn and 1 c. double baked potatoes, 2 grands biscuits, skim milk

Snack: mug of hot chocolate

It's a mind thing...out of the emotional and into the rational. Taking my time and concentrating...keeping my focus on the right things.


carla said...

we've all been there and for me it oft involves poptarts as well (those damn tarts :))

and we love you FOR YOU.
dont compare yourself to other bloggers----write whats in your head and your heart.


the Bag Lady said...

Aha - you think just because people don't always leave comments, they aren't reading and enjoying?????

I reiterate what Carla said - write what is in your heart..... or, do as the Bag Lady does and just blurt out any old thing..... :)

Simplymoi said...

growing up there was a constant feeling of not being good enough and not accepting my own special way and talents. Just when i think I out grow's still there. I'm working on it :)

and yes, sometimes lack of response rubs me the wrong way even though I do know people stop to read...and even though I do it to other people's blogs most of the time...*L* I'm such a lurker! I need to remember this particular blog is not for other people, it's for me and having people comment is just a plus :)