November 20, 2008

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still here

Not that I get all that many visitors and comments, but it's still a great outlet and I love surfing around to see what's going on with other people.

Things have been going pretty good here! The weekend held some expected yet unexpected situations (and I suck at those!), and so overeating ensued. Monday morning, I wrote down a plan for the next time I am faced with a buffet of delicious appetizers and drinks at a friend's house (or anywhere else for that matter). One of my never ending excuses for overeating is: free food equals free for all for me. Wrong-o! Not gonna do it anymore (or at least work harder at it). Monday morning I was back in business, back to routine, back to the eating plan. Tuesday night I was faced with going out to eat with some friends. Normally, this is also an excuse to eat what I want and just say WTF with the whole thing. Thanks to a conversation before hand and a determined didn't happen! I enjoyed 1 beer (it was at a brewery, I had to try it!),ignored the appetizer my friend ordered and I ordered some of the most delicious mac and cheese with chicken I have ever had! it came with a salad (no dressing), I ate enough to make me satisfied (maybe one bite more!) and set it aside...took the rest home and got two more meals out of it. What a NSV that was!!!

For another NSV this week, I also upped my walking twice this week to 2 miles instead of just one!

I stepped on the scale prematurely (friday is weigh in day) and it read the same as last week. I'm good with that. My NSV's include better habits forming and walking the walk and not just talking the talk and it feels pretty flipping good! The rest will start to happen as well. I did order the Gazelle and I hope that it will be here soon since it's getting chilly out and dark too early now.

I hope everyone has a great week and weekend :) Keep up the great progress!


Allison said...

Great job on the 2 miles! That's quite impressive.
And I hope you have good luck with the Gazelle. Too bad you don't live closer, as I'm ready to just give mine away. :)

Amy AS said...

(This is the 2nd time I’ve posted this to your blog; I’m not sure you saw it the first time).

Hello. I am a university professor who is conducting research on WEIGHT LOSS BLOGGERS AND THE ROLE BLOGGING HAS PLAYED IN THE BLOGGER’S WEIGHT LOSS.

As you may be aware, a lot of research has been done over the years on weight loss but very little has been done on blogging and weight loss. I hope you will help me remedy this.

I have chosen you as a potential research participant because you have a weight loss blog, have a weight loss goal of 100 pounds or more, and have been blogging for at least three months.

If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a survey that I will email you. Your answers will be completely confidential and I will use a pseudonym of your choice in the final study.

I have an information sheet about the study I would be happy to share with you. Please email me at if you would like to take a look at it.

Thank you for your time and best of luck to you on your weight loss journey.

Amy Aldridge Sanford, PhD
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Northeastern State University
Tahlequah, OK