November 20, 2008

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


ok...2 days in a row now...and I am on track with my walking and working out. Had a little glitch when hooking up my vcr to do my strength tape, but worked it all out and I feel great!!

It's been a busy week so far. Yesterday, my friend came over and hooked up my dryer. My mom and another friend came over and we dug up some unwanted plants and trees and had leftovers from my party on Friday. Today I had to go and get my Indiana driver's liscence that I waited until the last minute to get. Needed some things that were still packed up and boy was I panicking! I am so poorly organized, it took me a couple hours to find them, but I did and now I'm legal again. :)

I did step on the scale and I didn't like it, but thats the way the cookie crumbles. I know that if I keep on track with the walking and strength, I will be going good. The food still isn't where I would like it to be, but I'm not fretting about it.

I also got about 10 inches of my hair cut off today! A little girl I know was recently diagnosed with leukemia, and I wanted to donate my hair to Locks of Love. it's a bit shorter than I wanted it to be, but it looks cute! When I get pictures on my computer, I will post some.

Well, I guess I'm off for now. Have a great week!


Lynn said...

I wish I could exercise as well as you! You are doing a great job and I am sure within no time you will be reaping all the rewards for your hard work and efforts.