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Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Path

Path, journey, road, whatever you want to call it. We are all on one. Leading us here. Taking us there. Journeys on the way to a final destination or goal. Many people, esp. women, but men too, are on a path to lose weight. there are a variety of reasons that brought us to this particular journey, but the end result is the same - weight loss. We each have our own path to take this journey, and our own mode of transportation (motivation).

I announced my own journey down this path yet again, last week. Wrote a nice blog with just the right emotion and conviction - "Here I go!" Got everyone to believe it...even myself. The kicker is I have yet to take a single step!

I don't know what's stopping me. I know this path well. I've been up it, down it, all around it, but lately, mostly I've been off it. Not too far off, just enough. My bags are packed, I've made my announcement, but I am frozen in place. I just can't take that first step.

That is, until today. I realized I was using the stress in my life (and there is a lot of it at the moment) to hold me in place, and using all the excuses I could think of to justify starting at another time when there was less stress. how can I expect to manage my eating in less stress times, if I can't do it now? I also realized I wasn't looking at taking steps, but leaps and bounds down the path to get to my goal as quickly as possible....but that's not realistic.

So, here I am. Sunday. A good place to start new and take the first step and keeping going on step at a time. Steps 1-3 are actually ready to go - A sensible breakfast (and lunch and dinner), journal my food, and drink water. When that is all finished, I'll start taking more steps. I am sure that not all steps are going to be easy, and some of them will probably be in the wrong direction :P No matter what, I will keep taking one step at a time.


Anonymous said...

Making the decision to make a new start is huge. Sometimes, it just takes a day or two or ten to settle into the mindset before you can take that first step... but once you do, there'll be no stopping you. Good luck!


Simplymoi said...

Thanks! sometimes I feel like a broken record...all the desire to want change, but unable to make real changes to get the desired result. Each time is a step forward and that's the only direction I want to go.
